Custer Products

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Agriculture LED Lights: The Benefits

In modern agriculture, technological advancements continue to improve farming practices. One such innovation is the integration of LED (Light Emitting Diode) lights into farming equipment. From tractors and combines to sprayers and harvesters, agriculture LED lights are revolutionizing the way farmers operate, enabling them to work more efficiently, safely, and productively. Custer Products, specifically, provides a variety of agricultural LED lights suitable for such farm equipment, including: LED 4-Wire AG Lights and LED Strobe DIN Pole Mount, both of which will positively impact your farming efficiency. Listed below are five reasons agriculture LED lights play a pivotal role in enhancing agricultural operations:

#1) Enhanced Signal and Braking Features

Custer Products Enhanced Agriculture LED light kits provide signal and braking features which meet ASAE S279 lighting standards. To enhance safety and visibility during field operations, these LED lights ensure that other road vehicles and farm workers can easily spot the equipment on the move. The turn signal function, for example, enable a safe work environment by letting farmers indicate their intended direction. This further promotes safe maneuvering and prevention of accidents. Also, the brake function illuminates the rear of the equipment when braking, alerting those behind to slow down or stop accordingly.

The turn signal function, for example, enables a safe work environment by letting farmers indicate their intended direction. This further promotes safe maneuvering and prevention of accidents. Also, the brake function illuminates the rear of the equipment when braking, alerting those behind to slow down or stop accordingly. By incorporating these tail light and enhanced brake and turn functions, agricultural equipment becomes more visible and safer, facilitating efficient and secure operations in the field and on the road.

#2) Efficiency and Energy Savings

LED lights are renowned for their energy efficiency, making them an ideal choice for agricultural machinery and implements. Compared to traditional lighting options such as halogen or incandescent bulbs, LEDs consume significantly less amperage while delivering the same or even greater brightness, translating into cost savings for farmers. Furthermore, the longevity of LED lights means reduced maintenance and replacement costs, allowing farmers to focus on their core tasks without interruptions or unexpected expenses.

#3) Versatility and Adaptability

Custer Products’ Agriculture LED lights also offer versatile mounting options, enabling farmers to easily install them on various equipment types. Whether they are required for tractors, sprayers, loaders, or any other farming machinery, LED lights can be mounted permanently or magnetically depending on the need. If the AG Light Kit will be used on more than 1 implement, having strong magnets makes moving the light kit easier. If you are using the light kit only on a single piece of machinery, permanent mounting is desired. There are also several choices of the style of lights we provide. We have rectangular and round style of lights offered. All this plus more make the LED ag kits versatile and adaptable. You can see all the variations on our website.

#4) Durability and Reliability

The rugged nature of Custer Products’ agriculture LED lights and light kits makes them ideal for the demanding conditions encountered in farming operations. Designed to withstand vibrations and impacts, these LEDs also combat extreme weather conditions such as rain, dust, and temperature fluctuations. LED lights are solid-state devices without any fragile components like filaments or glass, making them resistant to shock and vibration damage. This durability ensures reliable performance throughout the equipment’s lifespan, reducing downtime and enhancing overall operational efficiency.

#5) Easily Control Features

Lastly, with Custer Products’ Light Control Box, you can seamlessly manage your LED lights. This unit controls turn signal, emergency flashers and tail lights. Whether it’s a fleet of vehicles or a single piece of equipment, the Light Control Box offers a convenient and efficient solution for managing LED lights with ease and precision.

Browse Our Agriculture Led Lights Stock Today

Custer Products has a wide array of LED Lights that enhance visibility, safety and functionality in any environment or operation. The integration of agriculture LED lights onto farming equipment is truly revolutionizing the industry. With their versatile signal and braking features, energy efficiency, durability, and easy controls, LED lights provide farmers with a cost-effective solution to enhance safety, navigate challenging environments, and maximize productivity. Contact us today to see how we can supply all your farm lighting needs.

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